24 Nov 19th Nov, 2020 – ESEF: European Parliament votes on Postponement
Last week on 19/11/2020 the ECON Committee of the European Parliament voted to amend the regulations around ESEF. In essence, countries may be able to offer companies listed on their stock exchange an option to delay the implementation of ESEF by one year ie. Mandatory implementation from January 1st, 2022 instead of 2021 as before. The changes to the relevant EU Directive (2004/109/EU) are still working their way through the relevant committees but this document gives a good overview of this change process (Page 5 covers the ESEF change): https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2020/659350/EPRS_BRI(2020)659350_EN.pdf
Although companies might be tempted to delay the whole ESEF project by one year there are good arguments to continue on with the project. We are running our last ESEF education webinar of 2020 titled ‘Delay the ESEF Project by 1 Year or Not?’ at 11.30am(CET) on Thursday 26th November, 2020. On this webinar we will go through the arguments for and against delaying as well as our top 5 tips to prepare for ESEF. You can register for this webinar, before this date, by clicking here: https://www.alui.com/esef-education-webinars/
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